Homemade Vanilla-Honey Peanut Butter

Homemade Peanut Butter

Isn’t peanut butter the best? It makes a good sandwich on nights home alone, it gives you a zap of energy when you need it, and with bananas and bread, it calms your stomach naturally and effectively… This was especially true after one too many celebratory margaritas I had this weekend!

Funny thing is, I never knew how simple it is to make at home, and how unbelievably delicious it could be…

Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

After whirling a cup and a half of dry roasted peanuts in the food processor, a thick peanut paste will form. Next, just blend in a bit of canola oil, vanilla extract (I like to use homemade) and honey. Voila! In less than ten minutes, you’ve made your very own dreamy, creamy peanut butter perfection. Great for slathering on toast, baking with, or eating straight from the bowl!

…Now ‘scuse me while I go lick it clean.

Homemade Vanilla-Honey Peanut Butter

Homemade Vanilla-Honey Peanut Butter

Yield: 3 /4 cups peanut butter


  • 1 1/2 cups dry, roasted peanuts
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract, homemade or store bought
  • 1/4 cup honey


  1. Add peanuts to a food processor and blend until a thick nut butter forms, 5-7 minutes. Stream in oil and vanilla with the processor on, continuing to run it until the mixture is smooth – this took me about 5 minutes. You can add more oil if needed, just do it in small increments. Turn off processor, add honey, and turn processor back on. Blend until smooth.
  2. Keep at room temperature for a week, or if keeping longer, refrigerate in a sealable container.
  3. Enjoy!

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  1. I love the idea of adding honey. This peanut butter looks really smooth and tasty too. Yum!

  2. This looks amazingly creamy, sweet, and wonderful. I LOVE the peanut butter/honey combo. I worry that my food processor is too weak to handle all those peanuts, but even if it’s the last thing it ever processes, it would be worth it! :)

  3. What a fabulous idea – vanilla honey peanut butter and the idea of serving it with bananas on toast is very appetising.
    :-) Mandy

  4. I was just thinking of making my own peanut butter…you must have been reading my mind!! LOVE this recipe…will definitely be trying it soon!

  5. I made homemade peanut butter for the first time a few weeks ago after experimenting with Ashely’s (edible perspective’s) almond butter.
    It was dangerous. I ate it SO fast. So I’ll just look at your recipe and drool and for the sake of my waistline I won’t make it.

  6. This looks like it would be dangerously addictive, which means I’ll probably make it and love it and then give it away before I eat the whole batch.

  7. Yum. I keep wabting to try making peanut butter. PB and honey with banana is the best!

  8. What a fantastic idea! My kids will love this – thanks Georgia.

  9. Good morning Georgia! This looks so much better than store bought. I actually have never had peanut butter & jelly sandwich since I came to the US and always wanted to try (esp. my kids). But the jar is so big that I was afraid it might go waste. Now with homemade I’m ready for my first PB&J sandwich!

  10. Yummy. I’ve never heard of this combo of PB before, so creative!

    In fact, you’re making me crave PB and jam. I see a snack coming down the pipe. :)

  11. I think I am going to make my own peanut butter too. This looks so great!

  12. An interesting idea of adding in peanut butter. I already made homemade ketcup. I guess I’ll try out making my own peanut butter. Great job, looks wonderful.

  13. I have absolutely been wanting to try my hand at my own nut butter, basically using this exact recipe! Ah it looks so delicious! I can’t wait to give it a whirl :)

  14. Just whipped up a batch….ridiculously good!!!!!

  15. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Meredith!

  16. Isn’t it funny how some things we’re so used to buying are just as easy (and probably cheaper and healthier) to make at home? I love PB and bananas!

    P.S. What’s with the celebratory margaritas? What are we celebrating?!

  17. Very true, Stephanie! Apart from celebrating buying our first home, we were toasting to a very successful yard sale this weekend! And nothing kicks off a celebration like a good watermelon margarita! :) Thanks for stopping by.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my place, so happy to have you visit. You sound a lot like me. I’ve been making my own peanut butter since my daughter will only eat my dad’s homemade beanut butter. I also made my homemade vanilla (I gave it as gifts a couple of Christmas ago).

    I love your photos, they are stunning…really make me want to eat all your lovely food! Yum!

  19. Is it really that easy? I would have never thought to make peanut butter. Wow. This may be serious trouble.

  20. OMG Goodness, my hips can’t handle it! Looks creamy and delish. My favorite kind of calm my tummy down treat.

  21. This is really feeding my addiction to make home-made nut butters! ;-) This looks so perfect and delicious, I can’t wait to try it!

  22. Thanks for your visit and leading me here.. I am in awe of the turtle treat you made, this peanut butter looks awesome… my son loves peanut butter and only buys homemade from Publix I am going to surprise him with this thanks for the recipe cant wait to make it!

  23. WOW… looks amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. You have great looking recipes. I will be sure to stay in touch.


  24. this is the kind of recipe I’d totally like to try making – simply yum!

  25. Hi Georgia! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love peanut butter! I mean I literally eat it by the spoonful right from the jar. Can’t wait to try this!

  26. I can eat plain peanut butter by the spoonful. I’m scared to see what would happen if I made this…:)

  27. Oh boy!! Peanut butter and honey is one of my all-time favorite combos. This homemade peanut butter looks like perfection :)

  28. Love love love this idea. And I just happen to have a giant bag of peanuts I need to use up. :) Thanks for making my mind up about what to make!

  29. Oh my goodness this sounds delicious.. I can’t believe I haven’t tried to make my own peanut butter.. you could potentially add all sorts of things to the mix! And now I’m going to go check out your homemade vanilla too!

  30. Now this is the perfect nutty spread! Love this Georgia. This PB would be so yummy swirled in a big bowl of oatmeal. Such pretty clicks too :)

  31. i’m soo addicted to peanut butter, and pb+honey is such a good combo.
    i don’t think this would last long in my house!
    gosh, i love your photographs!

  32. I love homemade peanut butter! I’ve added honey before, but never vanilla…such good thinking :) I could eat this by the spoonful!

  33. Ah, just thinking about this spread makes me want to go make it right now! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eates

  34. Sounds great! Thanks for sharing!


  35. Oh my. This looks like peanut perfection. I’ll bet it’s great with cashews or almonds, too!

  36. Peanut butter made at home is shockingly SO MUCH MORE delicious than storebought! I love the flavors you’ve infused into this one!

  37. This looks delicious, and I think my daughter would love it. Will have to try it soon.

  38. I had no idea it was so easy! Thank you for sharing, I will be trying soon!

  39. YESS you are a fan of the peanut butter and banana combination too! This makes me very happy indeed :)

  40. Peanut butter? count me it. I Love your home made version. It sounds much better than the one at stores! You are always an inpiration to me Georgia! I missed reading your blog. Takecare.

  41. What a great version of peanut butter, I would never have thought of it. I think pb is just delicious on toast with bananas.
    thanks for sharing this, I’, going to try it

  42. Oh man…your pictures are about to do me in!!! Dang that looks so good! My mouth is watering!! :)

  43. This looks perfect and comforting! The name alone makes me smile… I love it :D

  44. This butter shouts delicious :-D

  45. I would eat every last drop of this if I made it. I guess that means I must make this???? =))))

  46. Haha! I’d be licking this clean too! I love flavored nut butters! And this vanilla and honey version?!? Oh my!

  47. This looks so dreamy and creamy! This is spoon worthy!

  48. Peanut butter and honey sounds like a great combo, probably on par with peanut butter and jam. Great idea

  49. This looks like something I would eat with a spoon let alone on a sandwich ;)

  50. I love homemade peanut butters! The flavors in this sound so incredible. Thanks for sharing ;)

  51. Oh my goodness how I miss peanut butter! This sounds heavenly.

    Thank you for your comment on my post.

  52. That looks amazingly delicious…wow :)

  53. Oh my….I didn’t think my peanut butter addiction could reach new heights…..and yet this I fear is a new love. :)

  54. Oh this looks marvelous, the honey is a new touch for me. hee~ thanks for the share..will have to try this one out..

  55. Funny how you can instantly recognise love in a home-cooked recipe as opposed to something from a bottle or can. Thanks for sharing :)

  56. This sounds so good! Vanilla with honey in peanut butter sounds like a delicious combination

  57. I’ve been meaning to try making me own peanut butter forever, but it always gets pushed to the back burner. Your variation with the honey and vanilla sounds perfect!

  58. Ooooh. We used to eat peanut butter stirred with maple syrup on toast growing up. Honey + Vanilla sounds absolutely heavenly!

  59. Oh boy, peanut butter and honey is my favorite combination. Come to think of it, I have a food processor and most of the ingredients for your peanut butter recipe in my kitchen. I’m tempted to try Spanish peanuts, which have some added oil, but maybe I could skip the canola!

  60. Sounds yummy. The honey and vanilla was a nice addition! I really need to buy a food processor…

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